Your Vote is Your Voice!
Written by Melissa Anderson on February 28, 2022
Why should you vote? In order to achieve meaningful change you must discover your value as a voter.
A bi-partisan group called the League of Women (LGW) Voters, Kansas Chapter, had representatives on the Kansas Wesleyan University campus February 22, 2022 to offer not only simple ways of getting students registered to vote, but also informing them of the reasons why their voice can make a difference.
Empowering voters and defending Democracy are just two of the organizations influences and when asked what their main goal was for being on campus, that was their response, empowering voters. The LGW provided a variety of materials for students. The organization was also suggesting that students visit the website to find out more at LGW of Salina.
Materials at their table offered easy-to-scan QR codes to accomplish the following:
- Register to vote
- Get a free Kansas photo ID
- Find your polling place, your districts and your voting
- Find out about your candidates
- Get an advance ballot to vote by mail

Materials offer simple steps to get a voter I.D. and vote.
The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote. May 19, 1919 marks the day that all American women were guaranteed the right. This milestone was a difficult and lengthy struggle and the victory took decades of protests and standstills. Women in the suffrage movement marched, practiced civil disobedience, lectured to crowds, wrote to congress, all to achieve what was a radical change of the Constitution.
The amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920. Read more by clicking the “19th Amendment” link above.